Thursday, September 27, 2012

What's New Lync 2013

Below is the some major feature about Lync 2013 Preview
  • Full IPv6 support
  • VDI plugin, allowing full A/V support in virtual desktop environments
  • H.264 SVC codec support
  • Skype federation support
  • Persistent chat (or group chat) becomes a "full-fledged" Lync service, not just a bolted-on add-on
  • Audio and video added to Lync Web App
  • Consolidation of roles; no separate server role needed for monitoring and archiving
  • Hybrid deployments of on-premises and Lync Online cloud servers now supported (this capability is called "hybrid voice")
  • Support for M-N trunk routing, plus support for inter-trunk routing. Lasko explains: "This feature allows Lync to act as an intermediary between two or more different phone systems. For example, Lync can accept calls from one PBX, and pass the call through to another PBX. This can be very useful in larger environments and allows Lync to be the backbone of a corporate telephone network."
  • Support for a unified contact store, with information maintained in MIcrosoft Exchange Server 2013, enabling users to access/manage contacts from Lync 2013 Preview, Outlook or Outlook Web App

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Remove + from FromURI or RequestURI in Lync 2010

Some of the call manager will not suppot when lync initiate call with +symbol in both to and From URI's(E.164).In such cases You can remove the + from lync side while sending to the call manager or gateway.

ToURI + you can strip from the trunk configuration using GUI.Like below.

But to remove + from FromURi there is  no option available in GUI mode.Format will be something  like this.from<sip:+12345@.....>.In this case gateway or call manager may not acept such request.
This option you can change using powersehell script.Run the get-cstrunkconfiguration.You will get output like below.

Here in the image highlighted seeting we need to make it as true.So it will remove + before sending to Call manager or gateway.Command will be like this.Set-CStrunk configuration -identity "test" RemovePlusFromUri $true.Now the Header wil be like From<Sip:12345@.....>to<.....>